Sunday, February 4, 2007

My First Blog!!

This is my first ever blog post. I'm hoping this is much better than the LiveJournal thing. I can not promise that I will post everyday. I just happened to stumble on this thing while bored one night doing a search for a very good friend of mine. So I figured why not give this a chance. I've come to realise that these things are a good way to kind of play catch up with people you haven't spoken to in years.

Let me start off by saying I'm not too sure if I want to go into detail yet of my life but I will post things I'm comfortable with the whole "interweb" knowing. I'm in school, going to ITT Tech. I'm getting my associates this June in Multimedia then my Bachelors in "Technical Project Management" in June of 2009. "TPM" is just one of those fancy ways of saying its basically a Computer Business degree. This college costs mucho dinero every 3 months and sometimes I have questioned myself as to why I'm putting myself farther & farther into debt every quarter. The answer is simple. Had I continued with "regular" community college I simply would've lost interest and wouldn't be attending classes all the time. I find it simply ridiculious to be forced to retake all those "GE" classes AGAIN in college when I just spent 12yrs of my life taking them. I don't think I'd be making my 3.99 GPA if i were in CC. I don't think I would actually pay attention in class. I don't think I would be having fun in class.

My last two yrs of HS weren't exactly the greatest, grades wise. But boy did I have an active social life and it was a BLAST!!! I think the one person in my life I truly care about I let down. So after HS I went into the Military. Spent a few years milling around trying to figure out what to do. In that time I got to work for some big companies & interesting places. In that time I was completely lost & didn't know what to do. Pretty much my 18yrs-24yrs I have blocked out of my memory. Granted I had some fun but I was just so depressed.

Anyways, fast forward to April 2004. Me & my mom decide to move to Tucson, AZ to get away from CA. I was gonna go back to school but had to wait a year so I would be a "resident" and pay the "resident" fees. Needless to say I should've just walked into ITT that summer and register in the first place. So in the Fall of 2005 I started my quest to go back to school. I wasn't going back to school because my family was harassing me about it. I went back so I wouldn't be stuck in some dead-end job making less than what I'm worth. I'm also going back so I can make decent $$$, and take care of my mom. The one person who I want to make proud.

Don't get me started on my dad's side of the family and how hypocritical they are. Just take my word for it. They're not the kind of family you would want to associate yourself with. And quite frankly, I'm glad I've started to distance myself away from them because of all the horrible UNTRUE shit they say about my mom, they're really lucky I haven't drop-kicked their asses!!!

Well, there's something for you to enjoy for now. Until next time.

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